Merry meet!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happy Imbolc

I'll light a candle when I wake up tomorrow to last a couple of days as a tribute to Imbolc, Brigid and Spring and maybe an offering of thanks along with a tarot spread reading. What will you do to celebrate?
There's something very sacred for me regarding this sabbat. Maybe it's the candle representing the fire of this first fire festival. Or it could be that it's a time of initiations and the Goddess Brigid and a festival for us female witches (no, I am not being a feminist here. Can I help it if it's more of a women's holy day than a man's?!!). My relationship to Earth and Mother Nature is closest during this sabbat.
Anyway, what I just wanted to say is:

1 comment:

  1. lots of yellow at my house this year - yellow flowers , candles , and yellow accessories over black!
    Blessed Imbolc when it comes...

