Merry meet!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Plans, plans, and more plans..


Oh, this weekeend has been just wonderful. I spent all yesterday afternoon planting bulbs and just enjoying being out and sticking my hands in the soil again. I took a look at the damage all the snow caused. I hope the snow hasn't taken a definite toll on some of my plants (bummer).
I was out and about today as well. I assessed some more damage, stacked some firewood and started planning again. And had to go chase after my dogs after they managed to get through a hole in the fence (I've gotta get a new fence!!!) and run off on the mountain (gosh, I'm really out of shape..).
Anyways, it's amazing how much being out and close to nature again recharges you. Maybe for witches even more so. We seem to indulge in it all. Spring is the perfect time, well, guess its the whole rebirth process and all. Not to mention that the days are definitely longer (a whole hour!).
Had so much energy that I even started baking, a pound cake for my aunt and one for my mom.

Whew! Thing is I'm just plain happy. I've started buying the tiles (had no idea small tiles cost so much!) I need for my new bathroom renovation project and ordered some more for my new country kitchen.                                           
 These two projects alone will (if I have enough funds) be finished by Yule. I also want to finish my upper garden project (the firepit and pond one). Geesh, I have so much to do. Thank the Goddess my energy is back!

Enjoy the rest of your merry weekend!

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